Thursday, September 30, 2010

Late-Night Roadside Sighting By a Young Man Outside of Moultrie

And also from BFRO comes this encounter in my own neck of the woods


As came across the final curve in the road, something caught my eye. Just on the inside of the ditch by the pond before my house stood a figure. At first glance I would have thought my eyes to be playing tricks.
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Daylight Sighting and Possible Vocal Warning on Vancouver Island Outside Duncan

Growling and barking sounds with a bird warning part of this "Bigfoot" encounter from the BFRO website.


This noise was like nothing i have heard before... the only way i can describe it would be like 10 dogs in perfect synchronization letting out 1 short grunting bark at a time
 Rest of story:

'Black cloud mass' and White Light baffle Massachusetts Father-Son

Here is a possible UFO sighting that has as well an element almost paranormal.


A Cape Cod father and his 25-year-old son are having a hard time describing a "black cloud mass" that moved in front of the moon on September 26, 2010, and "a round white circle that would appear and disappear near the moon" only visible through the lens of an iPhone, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

This similar black cloud mass was coming in front of the Moon and blocking the light of the Moon, but it was making an arc and returning to the same place in front of the Moon repeatedly.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

'Fog' surrounds Michigan triangle UFO

"There's something in the fog" as Roger Marsh passes on to us an eyewitness account from the MUFON files. A Michigan couple's encounter with a UFO.

A Michigan couple watched a triangle-shaped UFO at 5:50 a.m. on September 21, 2010, that hovered above a nearby tree line while a "fog or smoke" surrounded the object like "long trails of lights much like tentacles," according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The couple first noticed a light moving in from the west of their location and they began to rule out logical explanations like "helicopter, airplane or blimp."

They said that something seemed to surround the object at times.
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Venus in Lockstep

The mystery relationship between Venus and Earth.

It has long been known that Venus and Earth are somehow gravitationally bound.

According to a recent press release, an old theory about the resonant orbits of Venus and Earth has been resurrected. Whenever Venus arrives at its closest approach to Earth, called an inferior conjunction, it always turns the same face toward our planet. The implication of that arrangement is that Earth and its sister planet are exerting some kind of influence on each other. Since there is no other force known to astronomers that can act between planets, that influence must be gravitational.

Venus is actually in near resonance with Earth. In order for an exact orbital resonance to exist, Venus would have to rotate in 243.16 days, but its actual period is 243.01 days. This close alignment suggests that it might be moving out of a resonant pattern that was once more precise.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Amazing Horned Dinosaurs Found on 'Lost Continent'

On a "Lost Continent" that once covered much of the land now occupied by the U.S., paleontologists have discovered fossils of two new dinosaur species, relatives of the famed Triceratops.

The new Kosmoceratops has five times as many horns on its head as its cousin, making it the most ornately adorned dinosaur known to man. It and the larger-bodied, five-horned Utahceratops were giant plant-eaters that lived in "Laramidia" -- a continent formed when a shallow sea flooded the central region of North America, isolating the eastern and western portions of the continent for millions of years during the Late Cretaceous Period.
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John Keel's Amazing Conversion or Those Mysterious “Voices”: Where do they come from?

The story of how and what made a believer out of the late author and researcher John Keel


It was early April 1967. New York journalist John A. Keel, 37, a former self-described “hard-boiled skeptic” of things of a supernatural flavor, was confronting increasing evidence that his original support for the UFO-ET theory was in need of major revision (not to mention his views pertaining to the paranormal).

Little doubt his initial investigations in and around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in March and April 1967, came to truly alter his overall perspective on the whole UFO question ver-ry dramatically.
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