Sunday, September 19, 2010

Georgia Werewolves On My Mind

Much has been made of what folks confidently boast is the State of Georgia's "only" werewolf for which there is anything like a trail of evidence. The pathetic creature of 19th century Talbot County, Georgia perhaps was only a deranged young woman with obvious Lycan predilections. Who am I to say? I wasn't there.

However, the story Linda Godfrey relates in her book, "Hunting The American Werewolf: Beast Men in Wisconsin and Beyond" is, I must confess, the most disturbing and the most terrifying to come out of my State ever. I know that sounds like hyperbole but I can still count the number of goosebumps Chapter 11 produced upon my Southern skin when I first read it. Linda relates she received a phone call from a resident of my State who was of Native American ancestry. He was somewhat bewildered by his experience and wanted someone he could trust in order to tell of his encounter.

 To Read Portions of Coastal Georgia's Werewolf:

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